Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 2 Discussion_Foundations For University Success

Week 2 Discussion_Foundations For University Success

Q • How do grit and growth mindset relate to one another? Provide at least one example of how you might use grit or growth mindset as you pursue your goals. • In addition to using these skills, how can managing your time and setting a dedicated study place and routine help you achieve your goals, in this class and beyond? • How can you set priorities to help you manage your academic, professional, and personal responsibilities? • Which of the activities this week were most meaningful or helpful to you? Finally, is there any other information you would like or need to improve your own grit and growth mindset?

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To succeed in any endeavor, it is essential that we invest our time and energy into it, and develop the habit of not giving up until done. While grit is the courage and determination with which we attempt any task or continue to work towards it, the growth mindset helps us not to give up and try even after failing initially. The experiences that we gain help us grow and accomplish even the hardest of challenges. For instance, with my grit, I will get the motivation to achieve my target of complete five assignments in my set goal of time to complete the course.